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tv   wusa 9 News at 6am  CBS  October 5, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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the recovery efforts in south carolina. >> accused of murdering three people in a 10 year period. charles severance goes on trial. >> and thanks to a comeback from a heated rival, the redskins are on top of the nfc east. >> you're welcome. good morning. welcome to the rush hour addition of wusa 9. >> all right. larry miller has your time- saver traffic. and howard with your forecast. >> yes. getting rid of the clouds after a few clouds off of the atlantic and notice the breaks in the clouds here. 40s and 50s. a chilly start. you'll need the jacket, but is dry. afew clouds this morning, but a sunny day.
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highs in the mid to upper 60s. 70s return tomorrow and here is larry miller. all right. metro single tracking going on. this is south capital street. no problems. right now over to you. south carolina is under a state of emergency following days of relentless rain. >> the flooding so bad in the state capitol of columbia. rescue crews cannot keep up at
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this point. 40,000 people without power across the state. south carolina's governor, nikki haley is saying the flooding is unprecedented. >> we have unseen this -- haven't seen this level of rain in the low country in a thousand years. >> so far weather-related deaths. >> they will be going door-to- door looking for survivors. but the real problem, again, forecasters except two to six inches of rain today. the extra rain could hamper the rescue efforts. >> we are live with more. >> we are live inside of the warehouse where crew members gathered everything and all on their supplies they needed and head out the door at 3:00 this morning. a10 hour trip to south carolina.
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they are bringing boats with them, dogs with them, 80 team members. we are fortunate to have the elite team members, emergency responsers in our backyard who are rescuing and performing the missions around the world. in fact, medical specialist eddie, one of those elite team members who performed a rescue mission in an earthquake in nepal recently. crews just came back from nepal. >> yes. we returned in may. we divided over there for the earthquake in april, the end of april. we were able to do good work there. we did rescue a child there. he was trapped. i was working on a small crew, we got the call for it. we went in and able to assist the nepal government to get him. >> tell me about rescues. we don't have a whole lot of time. but the challenge of the mission.
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then a reward like rescuing a 15-year-old boycott in rubble. >> it is always great. i tell you. it is a lot of work finding the victims in the midst of the rup -- rubble and locating them. but is good to get people out of a disaster. see them do well and be healthy. >> thank you for your hard work and really the very difficult work that they all do. again, a team of 80 heading down to south carolina today. lots of work and we will be back here live with another look at what the team is doing down in south carolina. back to you. 14 people are rescued from floodwaters in a trailer park in maryland. fire crews were called it the trailer park before 9:00 last night. it took two hours to rescue the residents. afterwards they were assisted by red cross. 15 other residents refused to leave. no one was injured. and local flooding was
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nothing compared to south carolina. take a look at this scene in old town alexandre. it was bustling saturday afternoon. some people win there to have a look at flooding. businesses at the end of king street remained open. but not much business was done because of the water. this is a look at the scheme in ocean city, maryland. it was hit hard by flooding and beach erosion over the weekend. yesterday the san continued to -- sand continued to whip. the oregon community college at the center of last week's shooting massacre reopens today. students will be able to retrieve belongs and receive council, but classes will not be in session. now, one of the survivors being chris who thanked well-wishers from his hospital bed.
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>> i'm doing well and overwhelmed by the support. >> he was shot several times has he tried to stop harper- mercer from taking more lives. awhite house petition is now circling asking president barack obama to award him the medal of freedom. a big high-profile starts today in alexandria. that's of charles severance who is accused of killing three people over a decade. he is facing capital murder charges in am murder of three people. starting with nancy in 2003. and ron in 2013. and then nancy in 2014. their connection is their prominent roles in the community. that's why they were targeted. last week, severance was in court displaying unusual behavior. he refused the answer to judge's question. he would not tell the judge his name, but gave his birthday.
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the prosecution is saying he suffers from mental illness. adoctor did testify that, he was found competent to stand trial. several of his friends maintained his innocence of saying he did that do this. now, court starts this morning. now a judges last week there is one thing he has not decided if he will allow in court. that is coming up at 6:30. reporting live, wusa 9. don't look now, your washington red skins they are this morning in a three-way tie in the nfc east. this is thanks to the final drive yesterday. it started on washington 10- yard line. and it ended later. jay put it out there, sometimes you got to let your receivers pay their bills.
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and the redskins cash in. it puts them at 2-2 for the season. and the giants and the cowboys. dallas forced overtime in new orleans, two minutes it go, brandon looking for the corner there. drew brees goes up top for cj. he is gone. the cowboys back to big d with a 26-20 loss. they are now sitting at 2-2. >> we needed it. we are 1-3. >> we being the saints. >> you got it. >> just clarifying. 6:08. u.s. forces in afghanistan.
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it is 6:11 on this monday morning. and a weak weather pattern. the rain and clouds are leaving quickly. temperatures on the cool side after a few upper 40s. some in the 50s. the winds are less. jacket and sweat shirted weather. we will have sunshine this morning and the mid to upper 60s. back with a good secretary in four minutes. right now, larry, time-saver traffic. the parkway is closed as part of
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a police officer investigation. over to you. crews search for a cargo ship that disappeared after it was lost wow. this place is spectacular. thank
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stand down. stand down. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> in the word of the virginia governor, we dodged a bullet this weekend. >> we did. we did. >> in south carolina, flooding rains. some in north carolina, but you know, from, from -- route i-26, i don't know if you have done the drive to charlton, a lot of pine trees there and underwater right now. the area of florence as well. areally terrible situation. more than two feet of rain. >> katrina all over again. >> the worst flooding they had, because of the amount of water. the wind and so much rape. >> and more rain today. >> a few more inches. what is happening here, we get much nicer weather and sunshine moving in. and this morning a few clouds and generally a sunny day. 62 at lunchtime. mid to upper 60s for highs. the wills are not so bad. we still have coastal flooding
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problems down in st. mary's and across the bay here. two to four feet in the bay here. in town, we have coastal flood advisories. 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet above normal. so minor flooding even in the district. 54 in town. we're 56 in cambridge. to the west in the mid-40s. and on the sad and raid -- satellite and radar few clouds came through overnight. one storm here. look at the moisture in south carolina. this is hurricane joaquin moving away from bermuda. the forecast is today upper 60s with sunshine. 52 tonight. that means mid-40s in the cold spots. tomorrow and wednesday night.
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and the temperatures in the mid- 70s. and thursday cooler looking good. friday a couple of showers and storms in the afternoon. the weekend is looking nice. cool, comfortable, 60s to 70s. speaking of cool and comfortable. larry miller? [ laughter ] howard, you're awesome, love you. okay. good morning, everyone. we're doing really well. everything is running on schedule. vre is running on schedule as well. this is westbound on 50 from crane highway to south dakota avenue, now a 14-minute commute. no issues on i-270. still fairly light
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around the capital beltway. sky 9 is giving us a live look right here at the beltline. over to you. the organization doctors without borders is shutdown its only hospital in northern afghanistan. this is after it was hit bay u.s. air strikes. three separate investigates are underway. according to the medical aid organization, 12 staff members and 10 patients were killed. the u.s. military was conducting an air strike near the hospital to protect american operation forces came underfire. more violence in the middle east, israel soldiers killed an 18-year-old palestinian. it happened early this morning in the west bank. the palestinian president called u.n. secretary moon to brief him on the unrest. the coastguard continues to search the sea for the el faro
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cargo ship. it took off from jacksonville last week and caught in hurricane joaquin defense wind. this coastguard video shows the helicopter crew recovering a life ring in the atlantic. it comes from el faro. the debris field and in it more life rings a container, life vests, wood, stiruhome and oil sheen. but the owners in a statement yesterday, there is no sighting of the el faro or lifeboats. >> looking for anything. >> reporter: this past tuesday morning the 790-foot cargo ship heavily loaded with containers set out for san jaun from jacksonville. but thursday at 7:20. the ship had a distress call. it was near the eye of the 130
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winds and swells. since then, radio has been silent. >> i don't know why they didn't steer the ship in a different direction. this is totally unacceptable. >> davidson, the captain's daughter tweeted this weekend. a college student from the u.s. is expected to be freed today, detained in north korea months ago after south carolina, moon, a new york university student was arrested pack in april for allegedly entering north korea illegally. he thought his trip could have a good effect on the relationship between the two koreas. nine people are dead after a typhoon hit china. along those missing dozens of
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fisherman. all right. like the supremes and stevie wonder. al died this weekend. the founding publickest of motown records. well, the story of a stranded astronaut takes the top at the box office. >> all right. it rakes in $55 million at the box office, which is massive. and am more important thing, it was a home run for matt damon. he had investigating things to
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say about race and sexuality. so it was a great movie. >> that is right. he has a perfect reputation. he is a box-office draw. he is a movie start. >> it couldn't come at a better time. we find water. >> yes. that's great publicity. this bodes well for the jason borne trilogy. >> the studio worked with matt on this. >> they knew, the studio knew things before we knew things about mars. >> yeah. they probably new things the start of the new season would be a big draw. hillary clinton and miley cyrus. >> saturday night live loves campaign season. so hillary clinton appeared on
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"s.n.l." the great thing, she did a great donald trump impression. >> yes. donald trump, has a lot to laugh. >> and the host. >> miley cyrus. that young lady. >> pretty strong. >> it was a good one. >> thank you. democratic party leaders and supporters continues to wait and see if joe biden will run for president.
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well in case you missed it, vice president joe biden is still undecided what a run for the white house. but last night, giving the keynote address, he sounded like a candidate. >> the vice president laughed off a call for him to launch a run for the white house. >> thank you very much. no! i didn't say that. >> reporter: but people familiar with his deliberations tell cbs news that joe biden is leaning towards entering the presidential race. his decision could come in the week or 10 days. >> it is great to be back. >> hillary clinton and biden gave speeches to the largest gay rights group in the u.s. and cast themselves as champions at lgbt rights.
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>> we're going to face ridiculousness. >> there are homophobes still left. most of them are running for president i think. >> reporter: biden also reminded the gathering of activists and donors that he prompted the white house to support gay marriage. >> some of you credited me with taking political risk or thought i was doing something special. folks-- i was just answering in straightforward direct way, what i've known my life. >> reporter: hillary clinton declined the address to appear on saturday night line, she played a bar tender serving, well, hillary clinton. >> let's us spend our friendship. >> and poked fun at the republican frontrunner. >> all anybody wants to talk about is donald trump? >> donald trump? this weekend, president barack obama paid tribute to firefighters who died in the
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line of duty. the president spoke at the 34th annual firefighter service in maryland. those being remembered were heroes. >> eve as we honor those 87 heroes we know that they work is carried on by firefighters all across our nation. by so many of you, that samepravey -- same bravery, dedication, and sense of humility and love of country. >> 84 firefighters were honored from 2014. coming up on the news at 6:30. south carolina underwater. how crews from our area are now working to help. >> accused of murdering three
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people over a 10--year period. today, charles severance goes on trial. >> just about 30 minutes until sunrise over the district. thanks for waking up with us. >> we have your time-saver traffic, but begin with howard. clouds are moving towards the north-northwest they are broken up. moved into pennsylvania and a lot of breaks now. afew clouds and a good deal of sun. temperatures in the 4s and 50s. abeautiful picture at the weather camera of the clearing skies. 62 at noon. highs today in the mid to upper 60s. a great start to the week. here is larry. we were single tracking, but that is resolved. buses are running on schedule
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as well. in the capital beltway we have good news. 23rd parkway at iverson place was closed because of a police investigation. when that wraps up that road will be open. here is a look from sky 9. you can see volume as as you make your way towards the capital beltway. again, typical volume delays. over to you. following news in prince george's county. police are investigating a homicide. officers were called to the intersection of 23rd parkway around 3:00 this morning. aman was found suffering trauma to the body and pronounced dead at the hospital no word on motive or suspect. more rain is flash flood warning in store for south carolina today. over the weekend a slow moving
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storm dumped inches of rain on the state flooding roads and stranding residents. >> seven people were killed. there is additional efforts planned today. >> crews will perform more door- to-door operations today. and virginia task force one will help the people in need. >> we are live with more on their mission. not unfamiliar territory. they had six hours to mobilize. >> reporter: they did. they are on the road. it is about a 10-hour trip. you are viewing me right now through one of the devices they are bringing with them. this is a search camera. and going door-to-door, this is what the members will use. medical specialist spoke to us last half hour.
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you were in nepal and use this in a earthquake. >> they are very variable. we can look in structuresjump 80 team members. a 10 hour trip. 19 vehicles. four boats. and some, eight boats, four dogs. it is a, it is a complete effort. you bring everything with you. your day to -- try to be as self-sustaining. >> yes. we bring our own equipment and bring food and water as well. we don't want to be a burden. >> and the challenging part. you are in training and have to debris when you come back from the scene, whether it in nepal or south carolina. >> yes. we have a good very team. when they return, they debrief us about situations we came in
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contact. or anything that we have to talk about. they take care of our families as well. it is a good effort all around, from our support staff and members working out in the disaster. >> we appreciate the hard work that you do. you just came back and rescued a 17-year-old boy trapped in rubble in nepal there. this is a 10-day mission. search and rescue. one of the finest teams around the country right here in our backyard. back to you. we are standing by for new details about the death of a patient at medstar washington hospital center. the patient died on thursday after what they describe as an altercation with two security guards. the securities are on administrative leave. the hospital plans a pres conference for 11:00 this morning. a man linked to a shooting on a washington, d.c.
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metro bus will be in court this morning. brown is accused of opening fire in august. the passenger was injured by the gunfire. brown has a hearing at 9:00. day one of charles severances trial begins later this morning here in fairfax county. the man accused of killing three people over the course of a decade. something we now come to expect from him. we refuse to answer questions from the judge. he would not give the judge his name. the judge would decide whether to block the use of the term serial killer if prosecutors decide to use it. severance has suffered from
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mental illnesses. apsychologist tested to that, severance was found competent to stand trial. last week, he demanded a trial by jury that he will get. today jury trial will begin on day one this morning. if you would like to get caught up with everything we have covered this morning you can do so downloading our new wusa 9 mobile app. reporting live, wusa 9. well, today is the first monday in october. that is the traditional opening of the u.s. supreme court. the justices return to the bench and face cases dealing with abortion, birth control and race. the heavy favorite to be the next house favorite. kevin mccarthy has competition. utah congressman is throwing his name in. some wonder if he will be different from john boehner. he is saying he would bridge
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the divide if he was elected speaker. a
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it is 6:39 on this monday morning. we have a nice change to the weather. the sum will be out today. a lot of us will see the suns are. we are dealing with high water in spots south of town along the bay and the atlantic coast. we are looking at waves two to
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four feet in the middle part of the bay. and 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 closer to washington, d.c. temperatures this morning starting in the 40s and 50s. a chill there. look at hunice it it looks -- how nice it looks today. larry miller, good morning. good morning, howard. good morning to you. at home. we can consider today a magical monday on the roads. not a lot is going on. it has been quiet. we will take it. if anything, we're starting to see volume on 95 as we approach the capital beltway and college park. here is a live look from sky 9. you can see the traffic
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building on 95 there. back to you. a big dog may be intimidating. but the small ones you have to worry about.
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tylenol®. it is coming up on 6:45. amall dog is -- small dog is
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being called a big hero. scarring away three bears. >> don't hit her sweet face or size fool you. jewels is a true guard dog. >> she was not having it. >> friday afternoon, two bears believed to be a year old wandered into the family's yard. >> momma bear up here. >> the 20-year-old french bulldog did not hesitated chasing them off. one bear scoured a dance to get away from jewels. >> blew me away. i couldn't believe it. >> david hernandez is saying a wildfire a couple of years ago impacted the food source for wildlife. now they look for feed in yards. some neighbors encourage it feeding the bears. jewels got a bag, treats and a
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lot of kisses. cbs news. >> not the size of the dog in the fight, but to see the bear running. >> i know. >> and goes after the deer and they go jumping. >> small and ferocious. all right. now, "cbs this morning" is live. >> charlie is live with our preview. good morning. >> good morning. we are tracking historic flooding in south carolina. plus the missing cargo ship out of florida. plus, patrick kennedy is in studio 57, he is opening up about struggles and family secrets. we well also talk about neil tyson about the science behind the film the martian. the muse is back in the morning. see you at 7:00. >> all right. we will be watching. all right. howard. lose the umbrella and jacket. >> yes.
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>> breakout the sunglasses. >> weather-wise, we have a couple of concerns along the coast. there is high sides -- tides and coastal flood warnings. some of the tides 2 to 2-feed above -- feet above-average. that's going to cause problems. the sunrise here. yes. we will see it. 7:08in the washington. amix of sun and clouds today. mid to upper 60s. with the sun pack it will feel fantastic. chilly this morning. leesburg, culpeper at 52 degrees. so the storms are pulling away. the clouds are broken up on us into pennsylvania. and watching this tremendous hurricane joaquin wakening away
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from bermuda. this, what it is doing, look at this moisture in south carolina and myrtle beach it is pouring. the futurecast today a good deal of sunshine here. the winds around 10 miles per hour. no real weather problems today, except during times of high tides. we need to watch it again. the atlantic coast still seeing the waves eight feet-plus offshore. 67 degrees today. increasing sun. 67 tomorrow and wednesday is nice as well. mid-70s. thursday, you know, another nice day. low 70s. on friday, scattered showers, maybe a thunderstorm in the afternoon and evening. that might mess up friday night football action. but the weekend is looking good. 60s to 70s. larry miller. monday morning. are you going to make it in one
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piece. all right. howard, man, i made it. all right. we are on schedule this morning. traveling inbound on the 50 northeast an 11-minute commute. no major issues on i-270. we should have a live shot for you in 10 minutes. 395 eight-minute commute this morning. the heaviest volume starting to make your way to the 95 interchange there. and a live look right now. along the beltway at 202. traffic is flowing freely at
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this direction here. both directions in the inner and outer loop there. from a look at the cam. this is i-270 here. the heavy volume on the camera, but no accidents will cause major delays to the morning commute. over to you. some say it is one of the worst sounds on the planet. the splash of your cell phone hitting water. some are saying that is a worry of the past. >> waterproofing this morning. all right? >> good morning, everyone. i would definitely not try this at home. but brave citizens of the internet who are taking to dunking their iphone 6 and 6s into water. the result is surprising. the phone is resistant to water. and people have been dunking them in. now, apple has a silicone cover
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to keep the water out. in the video, it is underwater for 45 minutes. so dunk at your own risk. we are not ready for underwater sefies just yet. but i will be able to protect it, if it has the accidental puddle or toilet bowl. i'm not dunking mine phone. will you try it? >> no way. people want to file a lawsuit. >> the makes me uncomfortable. >> back in the day, there was a nokia phone that you could run over. my roommate tried it. >> we tried it. 6:51. the trial of a man accused of killing three people.
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we are just a few hours away from the beginning of charles severages trial that starts today. charles severance is accused of killing three people in 10 years. nancy in 203, and ron kirby in 2013, and then ruth in 2014. we expect the jury selection today. we will be in the court room and let you know what happens. >> we have been inside the warehouse for virginia task force one all morning long telling you about their mission down in ñhsouth carolina.
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the team bringing everything with them from mres to search cameras that can search inside of the homes during the mission. 80 team members. 19 vehicles. eight boats. four dogs headed down. they left at 3:00 this morning and will arrive at 1:00 this afternoon. their mission, 10 days to help the folks in south carolina. back to you. following last year's shooting in oregon, the community college reopens today. classes will not be in session. classes is being offered for students. awhite house petition is asking president barack obama to award the medal of freedom to chris for trying to save lives that day. hey, sun is coming back. partly cloudy skies to mostly cloudy skies day today. mid to upper 60s. really nice on tuesday to thursday. and low to mid-70s and a chance for thunderstorms on friday afternoon and friday evening after a decent looking weekend. top that larry. well, i can. because the traffic is nice. other than the lowdowns and the
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volume on the southbound side of i-270 and areas on 95. but on the whole this is a really great day. >> "cbs this morning" is next with the coastguard's search for the cargo ship with 33 onboard.
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captioning funded by cbs good morning, it is monday october 5th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." torrential rain trig.ers seen on ce in a thousand years. the deluge of rescues in south carolina. a cargo ship with dozens on board vanishes in the bermuda triangle. patrick kennedy is in studio 57. his famous family is fuming over what he talked about on minutes." we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. >> we have notn see thi lsevel of rain in the low country in a thousand years.


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